When searching for arrest or warrant records in El Paso County you have many options available. We have gathered resources to help you get started conducting any El Paso County records search including the sheriff's department, the El Paso County jail, county clerks and Texas state online tools. Remember, if you have an arrest warrant in El Paso County you risk being arrested any time. It's important to know for sure so you can resolve the warrant and clear your name.
El Paso County Warrant Records Search
The El Paso County Sheriff's Office is a good place to start if you're searching for any type of records in the county. The El Paso County Sheriff's Office Warrants and Fugitive Apprehension Unit section keeps records for criminal warrants from the Sheriff's Office, Justice of the Peace courts, District and County Courts, and criminal indictments from the District Attorney's Office. The unit is located on the 1st floor of the El Paso County Detention Facility, 601 E Overland Ave in El Paso, TX. If you want to go to the Sheriff Office Headquarters in person to do a warrant search visit 3850 Justice Dr., El Paso, TX 79938 or call 915-538-2292.
There is a small fee to obtain records from the sheriff's office and they will only provide you records for yourself. If you need warrant information for another citizen you would have to get a notarized authorization first before going to the sheriff's office. If you have a warrant in your name, you may be arrested at the sheriff's department on the spot. It's advised if you think you have a criminal warrant to consult with an attorney first to avoid an unwanted arrest.
To obtain information on outstanding warrants or to resolve an outstanding warrant that occurred in El Paso County, you can contact the sheriff's office by phone. The El Paso County Sheriff's Warrants Office number is 915 546-2214. For an additional resource, the El Paso Sheriffs Office now offers a crime map called RAIDS which allows citizens to view crime data for El Paso County on a map. It shows reported crimes within the area and is updated fairly regularly.
If you have a class C traffic or criminal citation to pay you can do that online here. Only records for open, class C traffic or criminal cases are available through this link.
El Paso County Jail and Inmate Search
If you're searching for an inmate in El Paso County you would want to contact the Downtown Detention Facility. Their address is 601. E. Overland, El Paso, TX 79901. There you will also find the offices of the Jail Magistrate Court, the Sheriffs Office Warrants Section, the Jail Ministry Section, the Bond Inmate and Trust Section, and liaison offices for the U.S. Border Patrol and Adult Probation.
You can also check arrest records in El Paso County through the Texas Department of Public Safety. This is a governmental database which will give you access to arrest records of persons who committed offenses higher than a Class B misdemeanor. You must register with them in order to use the service.
Texas Victims Services
The Texas Statewide VINE system can be used by victims of a crime to search for information regarding the status of their offender and to register to receive telephone and e-mail notification when an offender or offenders have been released from jail. In the United States all crime victims have a right to know about their offender's location or status.The VINE toll-free number for the Texas Statewide VINE system is 877-894-8463.
El Paso County Court Records
If you need information for civil and court records, you can visit the El Paso District Clerk's Office at 500 E. San Antonio. Suite 103. El Paso, Texas 79901. The El Paso County Clerk conveniently resides at the same address in suite 105. They provide an online records search as a service to all citizens in case you can't get there in person. You can search for civil cases, criminal records, jail records, public records, property records, marriage records, birth/death records and much more by name.
If you need to search a specific case online they offer a criminal search portal as well as a civil and probate search. You will need to know your case number in order to get accurate information.
El Paso County Arrest Warrant and Court Records Search
El Paso County Sheriff's Office
3850 Justice Dr.
El Paso, TX 79938
Montana Patrol Station
12501 Montana Ave.
El Paso, TX 79938
Dispatch: 915-546-2280
Telephone: 915-856-4875
Fax: 915-856-4896
Northwest Patrol Station
435 E. Vinton, Suite D
Vinton, TX 79821
Dispatch: 915-546-2280
Office: 915-886-2724
Fax: 915-886-3109
El Paso County District Clerk
500 E. San Antonio
Suite 103
El Paso, Texas 79901
Phone: 915-546-2021
Fax: 915-546-8139
Texas Police Records
Texas Outstanding Warrants
Texas Arrest Records
Texas Court Records
Texas Civil Records
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